work life

headshots & personal branding

Putting yourself out there for the world to see might seem very scary. Whether you simply need a new LinkedIn profile picture or you need a full suite of images to show your business to the wider world, photography can make all the difference to your success. And if the camera makes you cringe, I get it. I would rather hide behind it myself, which is one of the reasons why I have made that my business! However it's a strong belief of mine that everyone should have a confident headshot that reflects who they are. At university I studied portraiture and after that I had a 16 year career in marketing and corporate communications. My clients find the knowledge that I bring with me a significant asset in helping them feel not just comfortable but confident in front of the camera. On this page I've included some longer client testimonies and case studies as I think they do the best job at explaining my approach.



"Emma captures how you are and makes you beautiful without any requirement
to 'be' or look a certain way. As a business owner who believes people buy people and authenticity in relationships matters, I think that is much more important than a set of highly stylised images. Amazingly enough I didn't need loads of extra makeup because Emma made sure the light was so good. Her gift is to 'get' who people are, always in a positive, interesting way, and just to portray that"

—Heather - Healthy Work Company

client Case study 1: Vicky Oldfield RBA

Local artist and print maker Vicky Oldfield needed some updated headshots and stock images demonstrating her process to use in a book about her work, on her website and across her social media. I spent 3 hours with Vicky in her studio capturing the full process of how she creates her unique images.

client Case study 2: havisham Events studio

Daniela was launching a luxury bespoke events company. She needed some beautiful and inspirational concept photography for her brochure, website and social media. We worked together in a derelict house and a meadow to create and capture some whimsical and atmospheric dining scenes.

client case study 3: La fontana cafe

La Fontana cafe sits in the heart of the village and is a vibrant and exceptionally friendly stop for locals. Silvia wanted some images that showed the atmosphere of her business to potential customers on social media. I spent a morning in the cafe capturing it in a natural way.

case study 4: child actor headshots

Mimi has appeared as a cast member in two operas at the Royal Opera House and had just signed with an agent. She needed a series of headshots that showed a range of personalities and looks. I worked with her mother in advance to plan a range of looks and outfits and set up a studio in her home to capture some lovely, confident shots.